Love things that are not routine, not standard, don't conform. Always in the mood to try out new ways of living.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bryant & Jessica Wedding

As Jessica is a big fan of Hello Kitty, you can spot Hello Kitty's stuff in her room. It won't be surprising to find the wedding ceremony in the cutesy cat's theme, which makes the wedding special. Meanwhile the bridesmaids were dressed in pink along with the guys in white. So winsome! They looked wonderful in the photos!

I love the way they say their vows at their church wedding - very clearly and firmly. It goes to show how certain they are about having each other as life partners. Bryant and Jessica, congrats!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Ke Zhong & Siew Lynn Wedding

As a very close friend of Siew Lynn's, apart from taking charge of her wedding video clips, I was one of her bridesmaids who assisted in posing challenges to the groom, Ke Zhong.

We gave him fun tasks and we love his spirit to take on the challenges readily. Siew Lynn is always so sweet-looking. Like a Princess walking down the aisle hand-in-hand with her Prince Charming, the couple simply looked beautiful.

Through the years, I have seen Siew Lynn grown from a shy teenager to a sweet young lady, to a doting girlfriend and now a caring wife. Although I don't know Ke Zhong as long as I have known Siew Lynn, I can see that he is a very thoughtful and sincere guy. I am really happy that they have found each other!

Their pre-wedding and actual day wedding highlights videos showcased their love, very much to their liking.

Limbo Rock

Heart-shaped pose

A sweet kiss...

A happy couple smiling in unison

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Paul & Imelda Wedding

Finally, our dear friend, Paul's much-awaited solemnisation has arrived. Paul has arranged to have a surprise for Imelda - a video clip that showed how he proposed to his bride.
This is how Paul and lovely Imelda looks like at their solemnisation - Happy & Relax. It is so heart-warming to see a good friend get married, especially when we have known Paul for so long.
Congratulations, Paul & Imelda!
-- Adeline