Love things that are not routine, not standard, don't conform. Always in the mood to try out new ways of living.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our 1st Wedding Cinematography Workshop!

It was a dream come true for us when we conducted our very own wedding cinematography workshop on Aug 20th and 21st! Yes, this post has come a bit late as we had been up to our necks with post-productions for our wedding couples. Nevertheless, here's some peeks into what happened during that 2 days of the hands-on workshop.

We started off the 1st day with the fundamentals of "how we approach an AD wedding day project". This was held in the cosy INK bar at Fairmont with top notch support from the F&B department throughout the day. Thank you Jenny and Davin!

We have to be sure that the participants get the basics right before the subsequent hands-on sessions. This is also the part where we share with them our fail-safe method of capturing any single activity. In addition, each participants had done some reparatory homework 1 week prior when they were each given a set of DVDs on Moving Camera Techniques by Vonweddingfilms. Some mentioned that they were almost like Tai Chi instructional DVDs!

Everyone had a great time. Adeline was capturing me during the classroom session. Chris, Swee Fong and Why Keen of Ichirofilms popped in as well. They provided some valuable perspectives too. Perhaps the next workshop will be a WCG effort!

Some scenes from day 2 when we were at the model bride's house as we go through the various stages of an actual wedding day. We brought the bridal gown downstairs to the playground for some shots too!

It was a challenge to get the participants to focus on the workshop as they often start discussing hardware whenever they had the chance. This is inevitable as quality videography involves lots of sophisticated equipment that never fail to fascinate (I'm guilty of it too!). However, one must always bear in mind that it is the person behind the camera that is producing the art. Equipment must be in the right hands to produce quality works.

May did an excellent job on our model bride. The pictures speak for themselves. She did not hold back anything just because this was a videography workshop. The full works was done on the model bride. With us stopping May now and then for demonstrations of camera angles, the makeup plus hairdo took longer then the usual 1.5 hrs.

And with DANG bridal's gown that comes with full length bridal veil that touches the floor, our bride was a stunner. I was quite afraid that the participants my get distracted.... hmm... maybe they captured addition footages of the model?

Oh, we mocked up the preparations by the bridesmaids too. And we had an experience bridesmaid to help out!

The church hands-on was where we demonstrated our setup process prior to the ceremony. Tripod placement, laying of audio cables, placement of mp3 recorder, setting up the wireless mic on the groom, etc. It is the planning that matters most for a church wedding. By knowing the detailed ceremony proceedings, you'll know how to position yourself at every moment and not miss any shots.

To end it off, we did a mini shootout of the bride at the end of the workshop.

Many people we have to thank for making this workshop a success.

Peiwen, our sweet lovely model bride,
YJ, our model groom,
Jacqueline, our bridesmaid, cum pastor, cum father of the bride, etc.
Dang Bridal for their lovely gown,
May Tay for her styling design and makeup,
Fairmont Singapore for providing the use of the INK bar and a banquet ballroom
Paul Goh for getting us the church.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jeremy & Ann Pre-Wedding

Digging our brains for ideas, we want to bring out how music connects the two hearts together. Besides taking outstanding photo shoots, Jeremy is highly musically inclined. We retraced the footsteps back to the very 1st time they met. So how exactly did Jeremy win the hands of our lovely Ann? All will be revealed in their pre-wedding video clip.