Love things that are not routine, not standard, don't conform. Always in the mood to try out new ways of living.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ivan & Wan Shin Wedding

We met up with Ivan and Wan Shin only 2 days before their wedding when we flew back from overseas. The couple are based in Japan and came back to host their wedding here for their family and friends. Given the short time we spent with them, we did our best to understand their requirements.

Despite the hot weather, Ivan and Wan Shin were readily obliging when I requested them to put up some challenging acts for me. Try running in suit and gown and you will know it's not easy. After a few takes, Wan Shin took off her heels and gosh, she ran really fast... The shots were well-taken and we appreciated it.

After the wedding, we received an email from the couple that the video was exactly what they wanted it to be. There was a sweet tingle in our hearts when we read that.


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